Finding work-life balance...
and other lies you'll find on the internet.
Name a more important topic. I'll wait...
Kate Peck
Director, Women in Automotive
Is work-life balance a complete lie and who do we have to blame?
In today's rat race of a world, the concept of work-life balance is often touted as the key to a harmonious and fulfilling existence. However, a closer look at the realities of modern work culture raises the question: is work-life balance truly attainable, or is it merely a well-intentioned myth?
The traditional idea of work-life balance implies an equal division of time and energy between professional and personal pursuits. Yet, the advent of technology and the rise of remote work have blurred the lines between the two, making it increasingly challenging to compartmentalize one's life. The constant connectivity facilitated by smartphones and email means that the traditional boundaries between the office and home have become porous, if not non-existent.
Moreover, the gig economy and the prevalence of irregular work hours contribute to the illusion of work-life balance. Freelancers and independent contractors often find themselves juggling multiple projects, with the pressure to consistently secure new opportunities.
When you think about it... when was this mythical concept ever actually true? Maybe in the ‘80s for my Dad, who had to pick up less slack because women were expected to not only run the household and take care of the kids but ALSO to work their own jobs… undoubtedly getting paid half of that of their male colleagues.
I’ve found the culprit - Robert Owen, a Welsh manufacturer who was the “father of British Socialism.” He decided that labor practices in the early 1800s were too demanding, and so started advocating for a balanced workday of “eight hours labor, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest.”
While the idea of work-life balance is undoubtedly well-intentioned, it’s outdated and we need to acknowledge the fluidity of modern work arrangements.
So how do the pros do it? In the coming weeks, we’ll be chatting with a number of powerhouse women within our community to see how they acknowledge this modern fluidity.
In the meantime, my Headspace app and classical music keep me sane when the balance is off the chart. And wine, have you tried wine? Try wine.
Alana Baratto
Cheif Marketing Officer
Ducati Aus NZ
Our first overachiever to discuss this hot topic with us is the Chief Marketing Officer at Ducati Australia New Zealand - Alana Baratto. Your author (Kate Peck) has known Alana for many years and seen her unwavering and sometimes unsustainable level of commitment to motorcycles, the sport of motorcycling, her numerous volunteer roles as a Board Director with Motorcycling Australia (MA) and the FIM (International Motorcycling Federation) and her dedication to women entering motorcycling as a sport on the MA Women's Committee.
I know she knows that work-life balance doesn’t exist, but would Alana tell me the truth?
Alana - “I do not think I am qualified to answer this question, ladies! I think I will always be searching for the solution to this problem, if you have the answer please send me your insights…
On a serious note, it is true that if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. However it is also true that if you love what you do and it is your passion, it can often become a constant pursuit.
Whilst work life balance is a problem for me and most probably will always be a problem for me, I do often see something much scarier and that is losing the passion for this industry and (motorcycling) sport all together.
I have seen many colleagues pursue different careers or industries over the course of my career because they did not balance the work and enjoyment elements of the industry and sport.
For me, it is key to ensure that I balance this aspect, taking the opportunities to ride and attend races, ensuring that I continue to enjoy and keep my passion alive.”
So that’s how she does it! Remain astute in checking in with yourself, before you lose the love or suffer burn out. If you do either, you’re no good to anyone.